Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wednesday, October 7

Abraham Lincoln said that God must have loved the ordinary person because he made so many of them. Most of us will never make it on the front of Time Magazine or stand on a platform at the Olympics or occupy a seat in the Senate. And yet when it comes to sharing our faith with others, the ordinary person typically outperforms the professional clergy. They are seen as authentic and unbiased.

Peter and John were "ordinary" men whom God called to do extraordinary things. But really, what they did was simply tell people about Jesus. Not everyone will believe or respond. The results are up to God. Our job as the ordinary teller of the story is to simply scatter the seed.

This week, pray for the opportunity to share your faith or invite someone to church, and then ask for the boldness to speak. And you will find, as Peter and John discovered, that God can use even you, an ordinary person, to bring others to an extraordinary faith in Jesus Christ.

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