Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday, October 9

I've heard it said too often that Jesus loves you just the way you are. While that is true, he loves you so much not to leave you there. To Zacheaus (that wee little man in Luke 19), Jesus loves him and changes his life so he no longer steals. To Paul (in Acts 9), Jesus loves him and tells him to no longer persecute Christians. And to this woman caught in adultery (even though it was a trap by the Pharisees to corner Jesus), he loves her and tells her to "sin no more."

Where did we get the notion that the love of God is translated, "Don't change a thing about yourself? I love you just the way you are?"

You know that area in your life that there is that twinge of guilt or remorse; the one that you've rationalized away, convince yourself that everyone is doing it or tell yourself that God loves you anyway? He does. He does love you. But maybe it's the kind of love experienced by this woman caught in adultery. The love that says, "You are forgiven. Now, sin no more."

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