Sunday, October 4, 2009

Monday, October 5

This devotional defines exactly that term we've used over and over again here at CLC to describe The Master's Plan--a God-sized task. If Moses thought that he could take on Egypt, the greatest nation in the world at the time, because of his persuasive skills and passionate heart, he would have failed miserably. But he knew that it was a God-sized task, not a Moses-sized task.

I think that the same is true at CLC. A strong arument could be made that now is not the right time to proceed. The goal is too high, the economy is too soft, income is to unstable, investments are too depressed and the vision is too grand. This argument would be convincing IF The Master's Plan were a CLC-sized task. But it is not. We come at this with the attitude of Moses. We do not limit ourselves by what we can accomplish. From the beginning, this has always been a God-sized task. And when we are through, to God be the glory.

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