Sunday, October 18, 2009

Monday, October

The devotional is entitled, "Christ Appeal." It talks about our ability to attract or draw people because of the natural charisma of Jesus shining through us.

As I look 5-10 years out for CLC, I wonder who we will attract. Who will we draw with this new building and programs and outreach? I hope it is not members of other churches. That is no net gain for the kingdom. I hope that we attract those who do not know, who do not believe and yet there is something irresistible that they find here. I hope we attract the seeker who knows that something is missing and discovers it here. I hope that we draw people who have given up on "organized" religion until they realize that we are different at CLC. I hope we attract people who don't look like us. I hope we draw those who are lost and need a savior.

Then, and only then, will we fulfill our calling as light to a darkened world and salt to a tasteless world.

Who do you hope to attract?

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