Monday, October 5, 2009

Tuesday, October 6

Those of you with children, when was the first time that one of your kids mirrored your words? It could have been "their" opinion about a sports team or a president. It could have been "their" comments about a show you were watching. Or worse, it could have been "their" bad word that slipped between their angry lips.

They are listening and they are learning, for better or worse, because of the time they spend with us.

This devotion makes the same point about us spending time with God. The more time we spend with God, the more our words reflect his words, our thoughts reflect his thoughts, our vision reflects his vision.

Think about "your" words about The Master's Plan. Are they a mirror of what you've heard around the church? Do they emerge purely from your own thoughts? Or, hopefully, as you have now spent more time in the Word, nearer to God, his vision is now being heard through your words because you know his voice. . .and he knows yours.

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