Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why Wednesdays Together

Tomorrow evening we kick off our Wednesday night program, called Wednesdays Together, and if you have never attended a Wednesdays Together I hope this will encourage you to check it out.

Why go? At its core faith is our relationship with God and this relationship needs to be cared for. Just like any relationship in your life if you don't care for that relationship it will eventually weaken and die. Wednesdays Together is a great opportunity to care for your relationship with God.

Taking care of any excuses: The evening starts at 5 with a meal. Its not lobster thermidor or filet mignon but it is a good meal. Beyond the food it is a great chance to spend some time getting to know new people or catching up with old friends. Our Sunday schedule can be a hectic one but on Wednesday nights you have all the time in the world to sit and connect with old and new friends alike.

Taking care of more excuses: the entire family is covered. You say you have a new baby? We have some of the best childcare I have ever seen and its free. You have toddlers, grade schoolers or teenagers? We have activities for them too. Its not daycare or organized chaos but it is a safe, healthy environment where your kids have the opportunity to learn about God and build connections with their peers.

And its not just for kids. We have 6 adult classes that cover a wide spectrum. Whether you want something more basic like Faith 101 or something more in depth like a study on John or Revelation we have that too. Or maybe you want to attend a class on managing your finances, understanding your God given gifts or finding some peace through yoga its all here.

Mostly this is an evening where you can grow in your faith and develop some deeper relationships with your peers who are on the same journey. It truly is a great program and I hope you will join us.

See you in church,

Chris Hermansen

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