Thursday, August 25, 2011

The sky is falling!

I read this morning that Steve Jobs is finally stepping down as CEO of Apple. Jobs has led Apple since the mid 90s and under his leadership Apple rose to become one of the top companies in the word. For the past few years Apple's stock has fluctuated following Jobs' health. He was treated for cancer and then a few years later had an organ transplant and every time something looked bad for Jobs, Apple's stock would dip. Ultimately many feared that once Jobs did finally leave Apple's helm the company would plummet. Wow, talk about a lot riding on one guy.

What I appreciate about the church is that we don't build our entire fortune on one individual. Certainly a church has a pastor and that can be a draw for some, but then most churches have musicians and that can be a draw too. Many churches have strong youth programs or seniors programs and all of those connect with different people at different stages of their lives. You see it has never been about one individual, it has been about a group of individuals who come together to create something bigger than themselves.

Now there are churches out there who have built their entire identity on one specific individual and that seems to go well for a while but if that leader leaves, dies or gets caught in a scandal their stock dips faster than Apple's. What is important for us to remember is that our faith is not the result of a fantastic preacher or a talented musician but we put our faith in God. If we put our faith in anything else we will be disappointed. Certainly there are those who have helped us grow in our faith or who have introduced us to God but the goal is not to worship them, the point is to worship God.

Its not about one individual but many individuals, coming together to create something special. You are a part of that.

See you Sunday,



  1. Fantastic!! I'm going to share this with my congregation!

  2. On the other hand, can we not say that the church is, indeed, about one person: Christ? Or God??? Just asking...

  3. Wow! I thought this site may have shut down or something - first post in what? 3 weeks?!?!?!!!!
