Monday, September 26, 2011

Congregational Vote--October 2

It has been a long time in the making to get to this vote--and we are not quite near the end.

On Sunday, October 2 at 12:15, we will have an historic vote to move forward with The Master's Plan. After casting the vision 17 years ago, after first building the Ministry Center, after legal battles with the neighbors, after expanding our campus and improving our parking, after paying off debt and after banking $4,000,000, (whew! We've come a long ways!) we are now ready to go to the country to seek a permit to build. This is not an authorization to build (that will come in December), this is only to secure a permit. Once submitted, the process will take 4-6 weeks.

Please come to the meeting this Sunday--even if you are on board and eager to start. We need an overwhelming "yea!" vote to confirm what God is doing through us.

We have poured over the plans. We have scrutinized the numbers. We have debated the issues. It is now time for all God's people to speak in one accord, "Amen. So be it!"

Pastor Scott

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