Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Vacation Bible School

Remember going to VBS in the summer as a kid? I remember using yarn and popsicle sticks to make "God's eyes," signing songs and playing great games with my friends outdoors (finally!) after a long Minnesota winter.

This week at CLC, the halls and rooms are filled with kids and helpers doing crafts, singing songs, playing games, eating snacks and having a ball. Vacation Bible School is really a highlight of the summer with the crowd and all the energy. For good reason--attendance is up about 25% this year!

More than inexpensive babysitting for working families, VBS provides the ongoing foundation of faith captured in song and motion and stories and crafts. I still remember my time at VBS and I bet you do, too.

The theme is Sonquest Rainforest, and the creativity of the leaders and musicians far outweigh anything I experienced 40 years ago! Even if you don't have a child in VBS this summer, I would encourage you to join us for the closing on Friday, June 18 at 12:45. You will find yourself singing all the way back home those catchy songs that stick in our hearts.

Pastor Scott

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