Monday, June 28, 2010

The Experience Homecoming!


On Sunday, The Experience performed at both 10:00 and 11:15 at the homecoming concert after a week long trip to Tennesee and Missouri. With 75 high school youth and about ten adults, they knocked it out of the park. The singing was strong, the faces were alive, the skit was poignant and the message was clear.

When I am asked about Christ Lutheran Church, I tell them about worship, I tell them about some service opportunities like McClintock, but included in the top five things that make CLC unique is The Experience. Many of us remember youth group in churches where we grow up. These kids will remember The Experience as not just a youth ministry but a life-defining, life-changing experience that will shape them for a lifetime. This ministry is significant.

On a more personal note, my son Nathan was on the tour but when they got to Memphis, he experienced some severe abdominal pain. Long story short, he had to be left behind in Memphis with an adult chaperone, Catie, while the rest drove on to St. Louis. Nathan had emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction caused by scar tissue from an appendectomy over a year ago. Gretchen and I drove the ten hours to pick him up. I want to thank the care and concern that we all received during this difficult time. For Catie staying with him, for Mark making the right call, for the prayers of The Experience and for Nicole's beautiful blogs about the angels. We feel deeply loved and cared for by these kids and this amazing congregation.

Thank you,
Pastor Scott

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