Thursday, November 3, 2011

What does pure joy look like?

Last night I traveled up to Duke University to see the "indy-pop" band Blind Pilot play. Blind Pilot has been around for a few years but I went to high school with their frontman Israel Nebeker. Israel and I even stood next to each other in high school choir. I gave Israel a call on my way up and I was able to hang out with the band on their converted school bus before they played.

Now I am not sure what your perceptions are of professional musicians but not all of them are raking in the money like U2 and The Rolling Stones; actually, very few of them do. I asked Luke, the bass player, if they have started seeing some profits for all of their recording and touring and he said they have but that they could make more money waiting tables. They could make more money waiting tables!

If that is the case why would they keep doing it? Why would they spend months on the road away from their friends and family? They do it because they love what they do. There is something special about people who love what they do and when you are around them you can sense that passion, it is contagious. As I watched them up on stage playing you can clearly tell they love what they do.

"They love what they do." Can people say that about you? Can you say that you have that same passion in your life? The reality of it all is that God wants us to have that type of passion. Whether we are waiting tables or playing music to sold out crowds God wants us to be passionate about what we do. Our lives should bring us joy.

Have you found yours?

See you in church,


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