Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Forward with Permitting!

It was the fastest congregational vote in all of recorded church history. It took all of one minute and fifteen second for this congregation to vote unanimously to move forward with the permitting for the new building. As I write this blog, David Bigham, our church administrator, is delivering the check to the builder to bring along with the plans to the county permitting office.

Thank you!

For the next 4-6 weeks, the county will tweak and comment on the plans before approval. Once this approval is secured, the builder will put the plans out for bids to the subcontractors. And then, if everything goes as planned, we will have another congregational vote in December with the contract to build.

This is really going to happen!

This has been years in the making through countless meetings for number crunching, designing and sharing information. Several councils have rotated through, each one advancing the cause a little at a time. Thank you for your patience in letting us get it right. Thank you for your generosity towards The Master's Plan. And thank you for the trust that you have placed in your leadership these many years to make the right and faithful decisions.

Thanks be to God!

Pastor Scott

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