Monday, December 12, 2011

A Bold Vote Forward!

I feel as if much of the past 13 years has been working towards this one vote on Sunday, December 11.

After years of buying land, eliminating debt, expanding parking, meeting with the builder, designing with the architect and raising money, this congregation voted to move forward with The Master's Plan on Sunday. It was an overwhelming affirmation without a single negative vote. We all know about the concerns for the money, attendance and debt but after weighing all the options, we have decided that now is the time for construction of our new sanctuary, youth space and commons area.

So, mark you calendar for a ceremonial groundbreaking on January 15. The actual construction will take about 14 months. Tell your family and friends now to join you for Easter worship at CLC on March 31, 2013 for the first worship service in the new sanctuary.

What excites you about this project?

Pastor Scott

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