Monday, November 28, 2011

Historical Vote on December 11

It has been a long time in the making. No one can complain, "Why are we rushing this?"

I'm talking, of course, about moving forward with the Master's Plan. The congregation generously increased its commitments from 6 Million to 7 Million at this halfway point in the campaign. I am humbled and excited about this high level of support across the entire congregation with a participation rate of about 80% of our active members.

December 11 will be decision day. We will review the numbers and bids from our Contractor and vote whether or not to approve the contract. In addition, we will also look at the bank financing and make an informed decision on that.

I want to urge the congregation to attend this historic congregational vote, ask the hard question, examine the information and cast your vote. This is a significant moment in the life of Christ Lutheran. This will impact our congregation and the community for the next 100 years!

So December 11 is important. It is historic. It is bold. But the one thing it is not is hasty. We have been working towards this day for at least 15 years. Now it is time for a decision.

See you on the 11th.

Pastor Scott

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