Monday, March 7, 2011

Ash Wednesday--March 9 12:00, 5:00, 7:00

Most of the time, we try to avoid thinking about our mortality. Talking about the tomb, detailing our death, and facing our finality do not rank high on our daily "to do" lists.

When we do, it is often in passing when we come across an accident or when we sit at a funeral and can't help but confront death. Those morbid thoughts often pass quickly as we try to return to our normal, carefree lives.

So when we actually plan a worship service that reminds us of the fleeting nature of this life and hear those words spoken, "Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return," it can be a bit jarring.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the 40 days of Lent that prepare us for the glorious celebration of Easter. It is a service that focuses on our need for repentance, the mortal nature of our bodies and the promise that awaits us on Easter. The solemn nature of this worship serves to heighten our joy when we gather on Easter morning to shout, "He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!"

I would encourage you to set aside these next 40 days to:
1. Do a daily devotional
2. Worship with us at noon every Wednesday
3. "Give up" something for Lent (and don't tell anyone!)
4. "Take on" something for Lent (like a morning prayer walk)

See you in church on Wednesday!

Pastor Scott

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