Monday, August 30, 2010

What a Celebration!

I had a blast on Sunday with the kick-off of the fall program. Lots of people in attendance--1100. Wonderful food--thanks, Russell. Great displays of ministry opportunities--I hope you signed up. After the summer scattering, it was so nice to get reconnected once again with everyone.

Couple of things: First, there is a lot of excitement about this year-long sermon series of walking through the Bible that we call, "Connect the Dots." Bring your Bibles, go to the Pastor's Class, read along with Taking it Home (on-line daily devotion.) You will be a biblical scholar by June of next year (almost!)

Second, get geared up for Wednesdays Together. If you want the most out of the community here at CLC, this is the place to gather for lengthier conversation and deeper study. Dinner 5-6, classes from 6-7:30. We have a full and varied line up for classes this year beginning Wednesday, September 1, but if I can, let me put a plug in for the one that Gretchen and I are teaching--LOVE AND WAR.

We've never done this before--teach a class together. But this one rang a bell in our marriage throughout our celebrations and struggles. In an open, frank, humorous and biblical approach, we want to share with you some of the realities of marriage. Please join us in the Forum!

Welcome Back!
Pastor Scott

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