Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We had a death in the congregation on Monday. Shirley Dodge. Shirley and her husband, Bob, have been members of CLC for 35 years.

Shirley struggled with eyesight problems for 20 years. For the past three years, she has undergone dialysis twice a week. With her eyesight nearly gone, her health failing and her kidneys shutting down, we had one of those frank, honest, heart-to-heart conversations about when to give up and let nature take its course.

And so with confidence and faith, she wanted to make some plans for her funeral. She had some special requests, a couple of songs, one or two Bible passages, suggestions of people to speak. And then she asked what passage I thought might fit. I immediately said, "When Paul was awaiting his imminent death, sitting in a prison cell, he wrote, 'I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth, there is a crown of righteousness awaiting for me. And not just for me but for all who long to see his coming.'"

Shirley said, "I like that."

I said, "I think it fits. I think it describes your long battle and your sure and certain hope of what lies ahead. By the way, has your faith always been this strong?"

"No," Shirley replied. "My husband, Bob, was the one who made faith and church important in our family. I give him the credit."

When I told Bob this, he had no idea.

Do you? Do you realize the impact that you have on others. People are watching and learning. You may never know the impact you have on others--for all of eternity!

Pastor Scott

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