Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How do you clear out the clutter?

I don't mean sifting through the attic and throwing away boxes. I mean the clutter on the calendar. How do you draw the line and take back control of a life that is overcommitted?

The Leadership Team talked about that today when it came to the church calendar. We know that people love CLC and are committed to it. However, life, sports, work, travel, (you name it), all get in the way. And the church becomes one more event to check off an already busy life.


As we planned for the fall, that was our slogan. How can we ask for the same high level of commitment with fewer invested hours? Crazy? I don't think so. I think if we minimize the hours while increasing the quality, people will have a greater commitment because they will be able to fully participate.

To help us, can you name a program at church that you think is worthwhile, but the time commitment prevents you from participating? Do you have a solution?

Pastor Scott


  1. Another church in the area does Saturday evening services, we attended there several years ago and enjoyed worshiping at this time.

  2. I know it (Sat. svc) was tried before with little success. I attended them and preferred for it did better fit my schedule. It doesn't have to be a big "production". Keep it simple and low key.
