Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wedesday, April 14, 2010

After a twelve hour flight from Atlanta to Tel Aviv, we finally made it to the hotel for a late dinner and a much needed rest on Tuesday.  Today, Wednesday, we began our tour with Caesarea where Paul was held prisoner (Acts 25) and Peter performed the first Gentile baptism of Cornelius (Acts 10).

Following this, we went on to Mount Carmel where the prophet Elijah took on 450 prophets of Baal for a sacrifice dual to the death (If you didn't know, Elijah won) I King 18.  There is a church built over the cave where Elijah heard God's "still small voice."

Going on from there, we went to Nazareth to the Church of the Annunciation commemorating Gabriel's announcement to Mary that she is about to become pregnant. (Luke 1)  Nazarth is also the place where Jesus had his first sermon to begin his earthly ministry (Luke 4).

We ended the day with a trip to Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine (John 2).  It fufilled Isaiah's prophecy in chapter 25 that when the Messiah come it will enter with a feast of fat things and an abundance of fine wine!

The group is traveling well, the guide has been good but to walk in His footsteps makes this more than another tour.  It is a pilgrimage in which we end each day in prayer and song and reflection.

I'll keep you up to day on our daily excursions, keeping you in prayer and I hope you keep us!


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