Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

On Monday I leave with 40 others for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  It's my first time over there.  About half the people are from Christ Lutheran and the other half are friends and families.  I'll try to keep blogging from over there twice a week but it might be sporatic.  Stay tuned.

On Sunday we start a new sermon series--a good old fashion Bible Study on the Book of Acts.  For the next six weeks or so, we are going to walk through the contents of this important book.  You will hear fewer cute stories of our kids and what we did during spring break (  ;)  )because the purpose of this series will be an understanding of the foundations of the early church following Jesus' resurrection.

Luke (the author of Acts) recorded this history through the use of stories.  When you choose which stories to include and which to exclude, you do so based on the purpose of your writings.  While attempting to put together an "orderly account," Luke also wants you to know that this history of the early church is not the disciples' doing through hard work, vision casting, contemporary worship, small groups and volunteer recruitment.  The stories Luke chooses to include all highlight the might power of God working through the Holy Spirit to transform dimwitted, uneducated fishermen into might men of faith sent out to change the world.

You can prepare for Sunday by reading through Acts 1.

See you in church!

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