Thursday, June 28, 2012

Breaking News: Jesus comments on the College Football playoff!

Not sure if this is widely known or not but Jesus is a huge fan of college football and he has been watching the developments of the potential playoff very closely.  Now that it has been decided he felt he should say something.

Now, just in case you aren't up to speed with everything that has happened over the past few weeks (or years) let me bring you up to speed.  For years the National Champion (AKA the best college football team that year) was decided by how a certain team performed over the entire season.  There were a couple of polls and the team that finished at the top of that list won the national championship.  It wasn't how you performed in one final game, but over the entire season that determined who was the best.

Well a few years later the BCS (Bowl Championship Series) was developed.  This approach used polls as well as a computer system to determine the two best teams and those two teams played against each other and the winner was dubbed #1.  What made this unique was #2 had a chance to win even if they might not have been the better team (over the entire season).

Enter the first ever college football playoff.  This new approach plans to bring the top 4 teams into a playoff system where, after two games, a national champion is crowned.  Obviously, now the #4 team had a chance to be #1.

As excited as Jesus is about more college football he wants us to remember how different this approach is from salvation.  How do we win our national-championship-of-salvation?  Are we judged by how we have lived over our entire lives and if we have done a good enough job and finish at the top of the list are we allowed into heaven?  Or is it more based on that one moment where we shine and rise to the top, possibly against all odds, that allows us to win salvation?

Hopefully your answer is an immediate and resounding no.  We don't win because of what we have done over our entire lives, or that one moment where we shine, but we win because Jesus one.  We win salvation because it is something that Jesus has given to us, not because of something we have done but because of what he has done.  We all win because Christ won.  End of story.  Now that you have been given this incredible and undeserved gift what are you going to do with it?  How are you going to live in response to it?

Some college football purists hate this new format while others are incredibly excited for it.  No matter how you think we should determine who is #1, remember we have already won because of Christ.  Lets live in that.

See you in church,


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