Thursday, March 1, 2012

Breaking News: God and Lady Gaga working together!

I am not sure what is more shocking, the title of this blog or using Lady Gaga and Harvard in the same sentence. Regardless, the latter was reported in the news today. Lady Gaga was on Harvard's campus to launch a foundation for youth that is intended to challenge meanness and cruelty.

Now to the title; can God and "The Lady" work together? Gaga is a far cry from a church spokesperson but is she some how doing God's work? Gaga says the goal of the foundation is to call an awareness to bullying and simply encourage people to be nice to each other. She didn't promise answers but encouraged others to do simple things, simple acts that make the world a better place. That sounds like God's work to me.

I believe that Lady Gaga is doing God's work even if she is not aware of it. I believe God can use her (or anyone for that matter) whether they are aware of it or not. I believe God can work in the lives of those who go to church and those who do not. I believe God is working all around us and it is our job to name it and claim it.

At some point someone had the idea of creating a Christian line; Christian music, Christian books, Christian movies, etc. and at some point I wonder if we somehow got the idea that God was here but he wasn't there? That unless it had the title "Christian" in front of it God wasn't a part of it? I know it sounds silly but I hope you get the point. Isn't God everywhere?

Instead of limiting where God is we need to confirm and reaffirm that God is everywhere and as believers it is our job to reveal that to people. God is in the sunrise, God is in the children playing on the playground, God is in your cubicle and God is in the hospital room when someone takes their last breath.

God is everywhere even if we don't see it. God is working in Lady Gaga even if she isn't aware of it and God is in you and God is in me. Name it, claim it and reveal it to others.

See you in church,


1 comment:

  1. re: your first paragraph, she's an alum of the Center for Talented Youth (google it), is quite gifted, and would be at home on Harvard's campus...
