Thursday, June 16, 2011

Saturday Church and Guilt

Over the past few weeks a number of individuals have shared with me how excited they are about a worship service on Saturday night. Now quite often this statement is immediately followed with some confession of guilt. It seems many folks feel guilty about finding a service that is convenient for them or that going to church on Saturday so you can sleep in on Sunday is some sort of abomination. Now just incase you are worried I talked to God and if you decide to go to church on Saturday instead of Sunday he is not going to be angry with you. It's going to be OK.

For a few years now churches have faced stiff competition. Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, time slots that at one time seemed sacred, have become filled with a variety of other options. During this evolution the church has taken a couple of different approaches. Some have used guilt and sermons about priorities to "encourage" their flock to be in church on Sunday mornings and although I agree with the need to talk about priorities I also have a realistic understanding that if church is going up against your kid's soccer tournament I have a pretty good idea who is going to win. Other churches have tried a different approach. Some have tried to adapt their schedules to accommodate a busier population. Is one approach right and the other wrong?

For years Sunday morning has been "church" time and I like that. It helps us establish balance and priorities in our lives but that doesn't mean we cant worship God Monday through Saturday too. What is important is not when you make time for God, it's that you make time for God. Whether that is Sunday morning at 10am or Saturday evening at 5pm it's not the time that is important but that you are there. God wants to connect with you, where you are at. All we need to do is set the time.

See you in church,


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