Monday, April 4, 2011

Sarcoma Stomp

Stomping out Sarcoma Cancer is a God-size task.

But that is exactly what Paula Takacs ventured out to do when she organized this run/walk on April 2 called The Sarcoma Stomp. After months of preparations, we all gathered for the race at 9:00 am with about 350 walkers/runners and 550 giving units and scores of volunteers. The day was perfect, the event was well organized and the enthusiasm was high.

I can't say that I won the race. . .or my age group. . .or my weight class. But what a time! On Sunday, Paula told me that we had raised over $90,000 for a specific research center that is the nation's leader in Sarcoma Research.

Thank you for Paula and her family for heading this up. Thank you for all the supporters, runners and walkers. And thank you, God, for the perfect day to celebrate the gift of life.

For we know that in the end, cancer can never win. No matter which way the battle goes, life wins.

In Christ,
Pastor Scott

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