Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksliving: Reprise

Hey, first of all, check out the comments from the last blog, "Thanksliving." Very cool!

As I continue to give thanks, this past week, we've hit some milestones when it comes to The Master's Plan.

1. Combined between Phase I and Phase II, we have raised (drum roll, please!) $7,000,000.00! WOW.

2. We've said that we need $4,000,000.00 dollars in the bank before breaking ground. This week, we just passed the $3,000,000.00 mark. We are now (just!) under a million dollars to go.

3. We also said that for every million raised for Phase II, we would give away $50,000.00. With the first million, we gave that check to Charlotte Rescue Mission last Memorial Weekend. We are now only $110,000 away from hitting that next benchmark. Hopefully, we will be able to give Urban Ministries here in Charlotte their $50,000.00 in Janaury.

Continuing the theme of Thanksliving from the last blog, I'm thankful for a couple more things:

I'm thankful that we can (alway) talk about raising money to expand our facilities because it means that God is not done with CLC, yet.

I'm thankful that we are giving away $50,000 because it means that the impact of CLC extends beyond these walls.

I'm thankful that I am being stretched with my personal giving because it means I have money to give and I am growing as a disciple.

I'm thankful for this congregation's generosity because it means that the Spirit is alive and well.

O Come Let Us Adore Him!
Pastor Scott

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