Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I'm going out to do something today that I don't do nearly enough--visit the shut-in and bring home communion.  They are so appreciative.  There is no conversation about an ELCA vote or the volume of the music or the year end giving or worship times.  We catch up (it's been several months), we hear the Christmas story (for one, the 93rd time!) and we share communion (this body broken, this blood shed.)

It is a welcomed time for me to take off the CEO hat, the manager hat, the fundraising hat and the public speaker hat to put on instead the simple hat of the shepherd tending to the sheep.  During those times, I hear the familiar words of the Christmas story reminding us that "there was no room for them in the inn."

No room.

We value youth and health and mobility and vitality.  Often, there is no room for anyone who has aged out of those categories.  Such a shame.  For in those visits today, I will once again hear the wisdom of age that flows from a faithful heart that longs to see the savior face to face.

And more times than not, death is not something to be feared.  They have lost many to death and now, in the quietness of their little rooms, spend much time thinking of their own.  For the most part, they are ready.  God has been good and faithful so far and they trust him to continue in the life to come.

And so we pray, "Stir up your power, O Lord, and come!"

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