Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, November 3

Most of life is pure timing.

Some of it is dumb luck--walking through the door and being the one millionth customer to win a prize.

Some of it is diligent work--finding that right doctor who can treat your particular disease.

And some of it is the hand of God--like coming to Mary at the "fullness of time" to announce the coming Messiah.

Your presence here at Christ Lutheran at this historic time to build a church, what kind of timing is it?
          Dumb luck?  My company moved me to Charlotte.
          Diligent work?  I did my church shopping!
          The hand of God?  God has raised up the right people and the right vision and the right leadership at the right time to build his church.

I would challenge you today to dismiss dumb luck and your own hard work for a moment.  Focus on why you are here at this time at this church at this moment.  And if you look closely, I think you will discover what Mary did.  This is no accident.  You are here by the hand of God at precisely the right time.

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