Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wednesday, September 30

We are growing!! We now have about 175 people committed to this daily devotional for 40 days. There are probably more but those are the only ones who have let me know. Ready to commit and add to our numbers? Please e-mail and say, "I will!" suskovic@christelca.org

Today's reading captures our limitations. Too often we begin with deciding what we are capable of doing. This reading pushes us to see what God is capable of doing through me! If we fully grasped that the Lord of the Universe literally broke the mold when he made each of us, our sense of worth in his eyes would multiply. And what's more, no longer would we measure our impact to change the world by the length of our reach but rather through God's reach.

Look at the last question. It's a good one. The answer that comes to my mind is from Philippians 4:13--"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

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